Saturday, June 19, 2010

Parts are us

This blog will be about working with inner parts of onesself. Many different authors and psychologists have talked about different parts. From Carl Jung, who wrote about his personality 1 and personality 2, to Walt Disney, whose cartoon about the 2 sides of Donald Duck is hilarious, this phenomenon is becoming more and more mainstream.

I have studied psychosynthesis (originated by Roberto Assagioli), Inner Family Healing (in "How to Love Yourself When You Don't Know How" by Jacqui Bishop and Mary Grunte), and personas (with the Hendricks Institute). I am currently enrolled in a Level II practitioners class with Center for Self Leadership, studying Inner Family Systems as defined by Dr. Richard Schwartz.

It seems obvious to me that we all have different "sides" of us that can be triggered by events in our lives. I have also learned ways to help some of these parts heal, and grow, and even blossom.

I am currently working on a book about parts, and I welcome contacts with folks who have made progress in their own lives by working with their inner parts. Let me know what has happened for you. You could reply to this blog or e-mail for more info about how to be involved in this project.

My next week's entry will be about a cool tool for inner exploring called IFS Insight. This is a computer program I have tried out and I love it!

Best wishes until then.
