Thursday, July 29, 2010

I slipped!

This week I have pretty much ignored parts work (but it's only Thursday- so I have 3 days to "recover" :) I've been watching lots of tv, reading, swimming, but not because those were things I decided to do. They were used to fill my time because parts of me were feeling pressured.

I am on summer break from teaching. I often conduct a mad dash to do all the things I feel I "should" do- and many parts are tugging at me to make sure I include their things.

Today I am determined to become more balanced and centered. I read my 14 principles this morning and wrote in my journal. I am working on things for my book and not watching so much tv. I am determined to listen to ALL my parts today- at least as much as possible.

Let me know how you are doing with your parts this week.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Tool and New opportunities

Last post I promised to review a computer program, "IFS Insight", published by the Center for Self Leadership. I will do that, as well as to share different opportunities for learning about parts and being supported in your work.

I am a parts educator and coach, helping people to learn about and work with their own parts. I am beginning to offer information and support to the wider community, while also gathering wonderful progress stories from you all; eventually I want to write a book about the many benefits of parts work. Here are some ways we could interact:
1. This blog- you can subscribe by "following " the blog, and also write comments at the bottom.
2. Partsarecool- There is a group on Yahoo groups in which people can find useful tools and dialogue about working with parts. The website is , and you need to join Yahoo groups to belong to this group.
3. 14 principles- I can send you these or you can download. It contains ome suggested goals in working with parts. E-mail if you want a copy.
4. Parts game- I have developed a board game. A paper version is available now for $10. We are working on ideas for publishing.
5. Survey- This is for people who have benefitted from parts work. What areas have you benefitted from? I'm collecting stories and data. The website is here:
6. Other cool websites: center for self leadership home site- training, etc especially for therapists. Jay Earley offers IFS classes and groups for the general public. He also wrote the book "Self Therapy". - Jacui Bishop and Mary Grunte wrote a book which will be reissued this winter - "How to Love Yourself When You Don't Know How" about parts.

Finally, I love the program IFS Insight. I can write down notes from journals and inner work sessions. I can also hold "conferences" with different parts, trying to make major decisions about my life by asking all my parts what they need in that particular area. And I can even choose pictures to represent these parts. The program has different sections, including notes, diagrams of parts, parts lists (with characteristics), and a conference section where you import the parts and then carry out a dialogue with them around a certain topic. The notes sections have places for dreams and trailheads also. For therapists (if you choose the therapist version) you can keep track of many different clients (billing, sessions, etc) as well as e-mailing notes securely back and forth. You can download a 30 day free trial at . The client version is $69, the therapist version is $149.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th reflections

Holidays are tricky. Parts of us have memories- of wonder, or dreams, or sad family gatherings, or probably all of the above. There are the idealized pictures of the holiday on tv, and the real disappointment some of us had when trying to live up to them in real life.

Today I'm going to try to find out what my parts need. One need seems to be nostalgia- looking at old pictures, remembering past times. Another need is to do something meaningful- write things (thus , this blog), plan some actions that I can take this week to make a contribution to the world. And I have a need for fun and frolic! :)

I will make plans to fill these needs in the next few hours. Hope you have a good holiday and meet your own needs also. Imagine our country if we all were a little more connected with our own deeper needs in a consistent way.

Have a good 4th!