Greetings and hope your summer has been cooler than mine!
I have been working on a new idea for sharing information about parts, so I've been "offline" from the group for a while. How are people doing? I'm building a website called - only 1 page now, more coming soon. It will try to translate parts work into stress management language- or something like that. We shall see!
Summer is sometimes difficult for me as a teacher (believe it or not). I am excited at the beginning , with many plans of what I want to accomplish, but always a fear at the back of my mind (another part) that knows it won't all get done! Then in the middle or end of summer I get rather depressed- it's all over, and stress is coming back bigtime.
This year I've done work on myself over the summer that I hope will make the school year better. I've learned how to spot stress when I experience it, how to identify which parts are upset more quickly and help them feel better in the short- and long-term. I've gotten back to a morning system- writing about parts/feelings, saying parts principles each day, and meditating each day. I think these are a good combination.
Online Parts Board Game Offered!
I am thinking of offering a parts game online experience. I invented a board game about different parts that is intended to help people get to know parts they don't know very well, while also hearing about and supporting others and their parts. And doing it all in a fun way. Kay Gardner, my level 1 teacher, played it and said it was "brilliant". I have found a way to play it online and am wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me "beta test" it- see what you think, what suggestions you might have to improve both the game and the online delivery system.
I would do it in my online "office" in Elluminate- I would send people a link, and you would see a game board and "cards" when you follow it. TO play you would be able to "hop" your piece around the board and draw cards to answer questions. If there were sound problems I would also supply a phone number for people (sometimes sound can be a problem depending on your internet connection). If a number of people wanted to try we could even make different virtual "rooms" and divide the group.