Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am realizing that my habitual state of being is rather frantic. I almost always have some distraction in front of me- tv, books, newspaper, public radio, etc. etc.

I think that is partly because otherwise I am at the mercy of my inner critics. There is one part nagging "you should be".... and another part saying "you shouldn't have..." . So I think the distractions keep those thoughts at bay.

Yesterday I turned off tv while I exercised (for a while) and today I closed my magazine while brushing my teeth. I want to heal those critic parts so they don't feel they NEED to nag or criticize. I will try to work with them this weekend. We shall see! I am going to try using new tools- specifically app on my phone- to write down lists so I don't need to keep them in my head. And I have JOTT, where I can talk on the phone and get trascript sent to my e-mail. I am going to try to use that for business ideas. Hopefully that will relax my frantic mind a bit and let me enjoy where I am- for once! :)

Newest business name: Mentor Your Selves: Help all your inner parts feel relaxed, confident and loved.

What do you think? The first part came from a friend who says mentoring is popular right now and that sounds comforting :) Thanks, Wendy!

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